Outreach Ministries

Outreach Ministries

We are affiliated with several external organizations to help spread the gospel by supporting others in need in our community near and far.

Alamance County Meals on Wheels

ACMW delivers approximately 350 meals a day to elderly over 65, totaling 100,000 meals each year. As there is a waiting list for the program due to a lack of funding, BOLD Ministries provides financial support, delivers meals, and serves on the Board of Directors.

Healing Station

Operates a food pantry that feeds over 300 local families per month. Also operates a clothing ministry to families in need and individuals that need career clothing. Their Resource Center is open to assist individuals with job readiness assistance. They also recently partnered with Alamance Community College to provide basic skills classes.

Food for the poor, Inc.

Provides food, housing, emergency relief, and much more to those in desperate need fulfilling a special calling, and is uniquely equipped to serve the poorest of the poor in the Caribbean and Latin America. BOLD Ministries provides financial support to help enable this organization to provide food to the needy.


Christian Mission of the New Testament (Mission Chrétienne du Nouveau Testament) was established in May 2004 by Pastors Jean Kenel Many and Wilfrance Pierre. Goals are to Evangelization, Worship, Training, Instruction and Education, Social, Psychological, medical Work, and Orphanage

Allied Church

Feeding the Homeless

Local Ministries

We try to remain sensitive to other Ministries in our local area and their needs. To the extent we are able, BOLD Ministries provides financial support to enable them to better address their immediate needs.